Summer Wrap-Up

Is it really the end of August already?

Hard to believe how quickly time has passed this summer.  At the risk of turning this post into a diary entry, I’ll tell you that the past three months have been chock full of change. 

Summer HQ in my parents' basement

Summer HQ in my parents' basement

I spent the summer living in Kentucky, at my parents’ house, while my husband lived in Ohio for an internship.  It was a blast to be reunited with my family and hometown, but definitely unusual to be a happily married 28-year-old living at home, visiting hubby on the weekends. 

celebrating a summer weekend with the hubs

celebrating a summer weekend with the hubs

In July, my sweet, hilarious, wonderful grandma got sick and passed away much sooner than any of us expected.  We were so lucky to get to visit her over the 4th, right before she took a turn for the worst.  Later that month, her passing and funeral were so graceful and brave and optimistic that they gave me a lot to think about, probably for my entire life. 

some favorite photos of Mimi from my wedding

some favorite photos of Mimi from my wedding

No time to think, though – right after the funeral we traveled across the country for a beautiful wedding weekend, followed by a series of showers, reunions, saying goodbye to our 15-year-old family dog, packing, moving, beach, wedding, moving again, school starting, wedding, and so on…

meeting Al the Camel at a very special summer wedding

meeting Al the Camel at a very special summer wedding

In the meantime, I had a number of art projects to wrap up in Louisville, which I absolutely adored and wanted to pour my heart into.  I can’t wait to tell you more about them!

my proud papa.  the best part of living at home was the support from a "fan club"!

my proud papa.  the best part of living at home was the support from a "fan club"!

All this to say… sorry for the lack of communication!  Business-wise, this has been a super busy summer for Alyson Johnson Creative, and I’m looking forward to more really beautiful projects this fall.   What I’m falling in love with, as an “artist-for-hire,” if you will, are the stories behind all the projects.  Every client has unique motivation for the piece they request and that inspires me anew with each canvas. 

going to miss sharing a studio with this goofball!

going to miss sharing a studio with this goofball!

Get ready for a deluge of posts to fill you in on summer work.   Fingers crossed that I can do a better job of keeping you updated in a timely manner as we move forward this year!  Thanks for hanging in there!

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